Three Little Monkeys!

Today has been busy as ever! Quite a family oriented day - I saw my parents, two of my kids and my three Grandsons!

It has also been a very wet and cold day - Autumn has arrived with a bang! No subtle transition, more like a switch was flicked extinguishing Summer and igniting Autumn!

Whilst at my Mum and Dad's the lady came and fitted the panic button to the phone so that if they have an emergency they can quickly and easily get assistance. She also fitted a carbon monoxide detector and said that the fire brigade will come and fit special smoke detectors.

I ran a couple of errands for Bri and my Dad in town then came home and made a start on the Spag Bol for tea, ready for when Jeri and the boys arrived. The food was decent enough, and all the kids were well and happy. It was great to see them once again, and all behaved pretty well!

I'm finally sat at the computer with a coffee. I did have an empty house - just me and the cat - but Jae's back as his football training is cancelled!

This is one of a few pics I took tonight! Theodore, Horatio and Malachi! Theo fidgeted as I took it unfortunately, but that's kids! Getting all of them to be still at once is a bit like trying to plait fog!

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