Boy Toy
At the vide grenier yesterday, CarbBoy found this punchball, and TallGirl a fishing rod. I think I know which will get more use.
Today was a day of rest. I went back to bed, read three books (well, finished one, started another, and sniggered at various chapters of one gifted to me over the weekend), then lounged about all day. Lunchtime saw a brief foray up the road from school to pick a tub of sloes - I've never seen the bushes so laden and am aiming to pick enough that we will not run out for a few years. After lunch (at which we opened a bottle of Italian strawberry wine that was nearly exactly 20 years old; given its age we forgave the lost fizziness) off to the builders merchant to pick up some pre-ordered wood and enquire about insulation.
But otherwise it was all about lounging, sipping cool drinks and stuffing as much chocolate into me as I could bear. Happy days.
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