Terrace view
This morning was a little bit shabby. It was more shabby for last night's cigar smokers, one of whom dealt with the woes of the world by getting up early and feeling a bit broken, the other by staying in bed and sleeping through the worst of it (I'm sure lurkers/blippers who know the characters involved will guess which way round that went).
Once we were up and Aunty S had cooked the pancakes (I made the batter last night and, Lesley will be delighted to hear, used scales and everything) we were off to the vide grenier. Not a huge one, as they go, but enough stalls to give us a relaxed hour or so wandering around buying model cars, model kits, a star theatre, some marbles, a second pig-killing knife, a trivet for cowboy beans and a filling knife. And not buying a geiger counter.
Then on a rather long drive to the restaurant for a really lovely fancy lunch - with exquisitely flavoured food including a scallop tart that I could eat every day and not get tired of. The kids played outside between courses and seemed to spend most of the time giggling inanely, which is never a bad thing. And then, of course, it was the end of the weekend and our friends headed off to the airport and we headed home. A lovely visit, and too short as is ever the way with good friends.
At home a certain amount of lounging around, some TV catch up and a dinner of cheese for me and Mr B after the blow-out lunch (including some rather tasty Stilton imported from the UK by our guests). An early night for Mr B as his new routine of taking a very early Monday flight from Toulouse starts tomorrow. Happily the enormous spider in the bathroom (bigger than the pan he tried to catch it in, apparently) was discovered before he went to bed....
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