
By CharlotteJ

Dentist Day

Today was my six monthly check and I am pleased to report I passed and my hygienist was rather impressed with how clean and plaque free my pearly whites were that I joked I should have a gold star….upon paying the receptionist who was waiting for my hygienist notes to pop through started laughing….she then produced this sticker!! A hygienist with a sense of humour is a hygienist I like, so it had to be my blip even though it is silly.
Also, whilst at the Dentist waiting for my hygienist appointment, a lovely man started chatting to me about the weather and quoted a really lovely poem. He couldn’t remember who wrote the poem and nor can I remember the full version, however I did remember ‘Kent’ ‘leaves falling’ ‘autumn’ ‘September’ ‘Sussex’ and ‘dog bark’. Google has come up with:

An evening in September,
Summer's main force is spent,
A dog barking somewhere in Sussex,
Can be heard...
From a village In Kent
- John Webster

Doesn’t really relate to leaves falling so I am not sure if the man I was chatting to got another poem muddle in with this one. If anyone has any ideas to alternative words but still using the last three lines, please share!

Anyway, happy Tuesday to you all

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