
By Munroist4113

Centre for Life

Now home after a 12 plus hour shift with the little ones. We had an early start to get to Centre for Life for 9.30 when the monthly toddler day starts. I went with Ella, Nathaniel and their mum to the Planetarium, a singing session and various activities, followed by a roll-around session in soft play. After they went home I did some shopping, including finding a very cute witch outfit for Ella for Halloween. Then Mr C, who'd spent the day shopping for Himalayan-related essentials joined me to collect Thomas from nursery in Whitley Bay. After bath time we went for fish and chips - disappointingly the chip shop had run out of chips, but we had the fish on its own, and very good it was too.

Tomorrow I'm going to knit for the baby - 3 days to go and nowhere near finished!

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