Every Day Is A holiday!

By musings

Acorn Woodpecker At Dawson Creek

What a fun fun day I had...got together with a fellow birder that I met during the "eagle watching saga". She originally is from Wisconsin, and knows a lot about the birds from the eastern US, and now she knows a lot about our birds out west too! She suggested going to the Hillsboro Library which is next to Dawson Creek and stands of beautiful oak trees, where of course you will find "acorn woodpeckers"!! They are beautiful, fun to watch busily hiding their winter supply of acorns into every hole in the dead snags that are in the wetlands nearby. We also saw an American Kestrel, several Northern Flickers, a Red-breasted Sapsucker, lots of Starlings, some Juncos, a hawk and some Cedar Waxwings. Not bad for a couple hours of birding.

The best part was "Burgerville" afterwards, and SWEET POTATO FRIES...oh and a vanilla shake:))))

For more photos, visit my flickr page...

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