
Thankfully, yesterday's rain passed away during the night, and the temperature even lifted a bit too, so I was able to walk to and from the hospital for today's rehab session. We were all there ahead of time, so when our whip-cracker came in we were ready and waiting. Much harder today than on Monday because all the explaining had been done then and this was a real session, with no breaks or interruptions. There were lots of mentions of things going to get gradually tougher as we progress, but even at the kiddy level we're at now it was quite demanding and tiring. When we finished we were all puffed, but I noticed a definite feeling of satisfaction as I walked home.

There was work to get down to when I got back, so the few blips I got on the way to and from the hospital were all that ended up in the camera. When I transferred them to the pooter, I decided it was high time for another kaleidoscope, since it's been a while since I've posted one. Today's original is here, and was an obvious candidate for the kaleidoscope treatment.

Work, work, work tomorrow - as well as recovery from today's rehab session and preparation for Friday's.

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