Just another manic ....

Monday Friday.

I was vaguely aware of a little person that can walk saying hello mummy to me at 5am this morning. I wasn't impressed. But the next thing I was aware of was this little person and daddy snuggled up in our bed both fast asleep. Wom spent more time snuggled in the spare bed than in his cot last night, but the cuddles are worth it.

Daddy went to work, much later than normal for a Friday as was off somewhere different, we got up dressed etc then popped to Waitrose to get auntie Sarah supplies / she has the yucky bug that is doing the rounds at the moment. Who would have thought that a double trolley could be such fun. From here we headed to soft play.

Munchie enjoyed herself lots, but was obviously quite tired as kept asking for cuddles. Left after a couple of hours and went the long way home. Two sleeping babies in the car. One went to her bed and slept, the other had milk then snuggled on me. Once daddy was home Wom went up to bed too.

Play date with one of the mummies - great fun.
Baths competed
One asleep, one almost asleep.

Trolley fun
Soft play cars, breakfast time and Wom doing his best I'm a lad pose in the cars.

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