"Friday afternoon cars"

It was a little farcical at Home Pride this morning! After a sleepless night (Squidge waking lots, Angus coming in late, me stressing because I heard about a drive-by shooting metres from his work etc!) we all overslept.

There was panic all round as we had speedy showers and rushed bowls of cereals! Squidge didn't seem to mind. And I still took her round to nursery rather than the car. I really enjoy our little morning walk with the buggy and it was beautifully sunny today too.

She didn't want me to leave her though which was tough. It's like she senses that I don't want to leave her either. We have quite the little love in! I guess it's because we spend so much time together. Angus asked her who her best friend was on Wednesday when I was away and she said "Mummy" without hesitation. Awwww!!!!

I had my proposal to write for the fast-talking crowdfunders in London today. The problem was that I was tired, proposal'd out and if truth be told, I'm not sure I want the work if it involves lots of trips to London anyway. I got on with it and submitted it but I don't think it was my best work. It was like one of those "Friday afternoon" cars coming off the production line!

Picked Squidge up early and we lay on the sofa (see pic) together watching Winnie The Pooh. Definitely more my kind of scene these days!!

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