at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

Ivys will be Ivys

Lots of ivy's time in the house today was spent running her new toy cars up and down various surfaces (including her own feet) and stashing various objects in her teepee (I found one of my shoes in there)

Ivy wasn't for Euan leaving for school this morning- she clutched at him and cried. She gets this way towards the end of the week. Luckily for her, he's on holiday now for 2 whole weeks.

Vacinations this morning. Ivy watched the doctor with interest until the needles appeared and then she hugged into my shoulder and said 'no no no'. Didn't let her decide for herself though, i'm pretty pro- vaccine. The doctor had me hold Ivy in a breastfeeding position, which I really don't think was a good idea or appropriate- considering raising it with the infant feeding advisor- in my opinion, you don't want babies to associate being in that position with pain and being held down. I could be being overly paranoid though. Ivy stopped crying pretty quickly afterwards and took great pleasure in saying 'ba ba' (byebye) to the doctor.

Went straight to gaelic toddlers after and arraived just in time for snack. I did the dishes after and Ivy helped me by putting the beakers away in their box under the sink. Gaelic toddlers finishes just as Euan is on break, so Ivy ran up the corridor that connects to the school and explain 'dada', when the bell went and the foyer filled with kids she hammered on the door and shouted 'DA DA!'. Unfortunatly, Euan forgot to come see her- poor Ivy realised after waiting he wasn't coming. She forgave him pretty quickly when he came home at lunch though.

Went for deli coffee with Ayesha. She gave Ivy and Hannah and cadbury brunch bar each- Ivy got herself covered in chocolate.

Laura Hamlet came round in the afternoon for coffee and to moan with me about the housing situation in Ullapool. When Euan came home, he decided we needed chocolate biscuits and went out to tescos- Ivy objected to him going, but when he went to put her in the sling she wasn't too happy either. So she stayed and we distracted her.

Fish and chips for dinner. Ivy dipped the slices of apple she was given for pudding into the peas. Apparently it was fusion cuisine. Before dinner she found herself a bell pepper and ate it like an apple, chewing through the skin. I'm not quite sure what to do with a teeth mark riddled pepper- it looks like we have very odd mice.

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