My day

By 59

A long day in Melbourne

This morning I flew Sydney to Melbourne with an early morning get up call at 5am after waking at 4 am asyoudo ( quote from Tussock).

Walked around the impressive Carlton Gardens and Museum until I met up with a friend before attending the Graduation of the Young Indigenous Leadership Program participants including a work colleague who has done an awesome job getting through this arduous training, including walking the Kokoda track. We were very proud of her achievements. At the end of the presentation and grad dinner we were treated to some rap dancers, wow they can move. They then got the guests to join in so after the long day I was seen dancing around to some unfamiliar music with the rest of them. I was pretty good for my age but found my knees hurting and I couldn't keep up with some of their steps. Lots of fun.

As I didn't have my Nikon I have taken a few pictures of the flowers in the gardens and exhibits in the museum with the iPad. Funnily enough I have a choice of a thylacine ( Now extinct) or some barbed wire. Interesting what takes your fancy with the variety of things in there.

I am now back at the airport awaiting a flight back to Sydney.

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