
I just couldn't chose one landscape today! Thank goodness for the collage app..
This is where we went for the day, an hours drive, its been a glorious day with plenty of landscape blip opportunities..

The Kent Street Weir is located on the Canning River in the suburb of Cannington adjacent to the Canning River Eco Education Centre. The first ever ‘Kent Street Weir’ was constructed from sand bags at this site in 1911, and aimed to stop salt water from affecting agricultural land upstream. A more permanent weir was not completed until 1927 and has since undergone numerous changes to its design and function.

Since the completion of the permanent weir, a ‘weir pool’ has formed in the river channel upstream of the weir.
This weir pool extends approximately 5km upstream of the Kent Street Weir, maintaining a relatively constant water level throughout the drier months.
Because this weir pool is usually made up entirely of fresh water, the environment of the river upstream of the weir has become dominated by freshwater dependent flora and fauna, including native fish the Western pygmy perch & the Western minnow, reptiles too, the oblong tortoise, also crayfish, gilgies, marron, and along the river banks the Flooded gum, Eucalyptus.

(Behind the images is an image of the water rushing over the weir which was underneath the bridge, image top left) a beautiful stretch of wetland almost on our doorstep..

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