The Rhythm of my heart is beating like a drum...

How wonderful would the world be, if the things we imagined came alive?

I remember once walking in Glen Nevis, before it was the tourist trap it is now. My friend and I were alone, and hadn't passed anyone for ages. We scrambled over boulders and rocks, which due to their size blocked the path ways, and once over we were enclosed behind those rocks, towering mountains including Ben Nevis to our right and left, and ahead.

I said, "we could be in another world now... a world of dinosaurs, and monsters"... at which point, a rock rolled down the hill, and silenced me from further imaginings.

We stood and looked at each other, unsure of what creature might have made the noise, and ran, ran for our lives, sure that something massive and terrifying was upon us.

We reached the Glen, and collapsed in the beautiful grass, breathing heavily and laughing at our terror. In the wide open space, with the river running through, and the sky clear and bright above our head it was easy to laugh off the fright of the enclosed pathway - but there was still something about the scale of the place - I felt like a tiny speck on the face of the earth.

I felt that if we lay there for long enough, anything we thought of might have been possible.

Kelpies? Out of the River... it's a possibility... They look friendly enough don't they?

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