Tarawera Times

By Megl

(Maples) The Rainbow.

After blipping my maple just before dinner, we had the most amazing sunset that I think I have ever seen at Tarawera. The sun sets behind us and the colour was reflecting off the clouds..then a rainbow appears. Oh boy, it was jaw dropping stuff for a few minutes. Hope you enjoy, and sorry about changing, but couldn't leave this one in the camera....Thanks for the comments before the change!!!

Have had a fabulous day today, Sarah ( a "weekend" neighbour!) and I went to Tikitere Gardens in Rotorua which is a mass of colour at the moment with the rhododendrons and azaleas in full bloom, the maples are just leafing up and lots of other woodland plants are flowering.
The weather has turned so warm, and there was hardly a breeze. I clicked away happily and non photographer Sarah was extremely patient.
Called into the garden centre on the way home and got some tomatoes which I have popped in this afternoon.
Had so many different images to choose from for my blip, but loved this delicate maple branch just leafing up, it had a japanese look to it. More images from today are on Flickr

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