An Avid Lensman

By SarumStroller

The Morning Tree...

No mist or fog here first thing - and this brief wash of early sunshine soon clouded over.

And typical of me - take a new (to me) posh macro lens that can focus to life size macro and I use it at infinity....

...but methods in my madness - with its optical stabilisation and fast f2.8 max aperture got me shots handheld in the dark and gloom of early pre-dawn, as I wanted a walk without the tripod, for once!

And the proof is in the eating - look at all that natural sharpness in LARGE; no added Photoshop sharpness at all.

Lens is Sigma EX 105mm f2.8 OS

Getting this up quite early as the cloud looks set in now, with rain later. I'm off out again in a bit and I hope this rather lovely tree brightens up your Sunday.

HUGE thanks to everybody and all who hoisted my night time cloud Blip of yesterday right to the very top of the Spotlights - you are all stars - but you knew that, right??

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