
By Cygnus

Comfort food

Still house-bound, so was definitely in need of some comfort today.

Cue pancakes and syrup! I brought these back from Virginia Beach (adding loads to the weight of my case, in fact these may be the culprits for my pulled back muscles!), after the most delish brunch served up by K and G, our wondrous hosts.

The pancake mix is fab! I wonder if there's anything similar in the UK? You just need to add water and leave it to sit for about 15 minutes.

Any hoo, tonight I am cooking the other half of the lovely VB brunch for our supper - K's 'egg casserole', which consists of beaten eggs mixed with cheese and breakfast sausages, baked in the oven. Easy peasy! I don 't think we do breakfast sausages here, but the Ards Man went out foraging and has brought back some skinny beef sausages. I am ok standing for a while, so hopefully I will manage to do justice to my lovely Virginia Beach comfort food.

I have an appointment with a physiotherapist first thing in the morning and have been trying some exercises recommended for lower back pain, so I hope to report some progress soon :)

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