
By Cygnus

Slip-sliding away

Out and about today at the physiotherapist's!

He has diagnosed a slipped disc, with the concomitant muscle spasms that come with inflammation and injury.

The good news is that I am well on the road to recovery. Yay!

So I'm back to school tomorrow. Thank goodness, as I have been stressing so much about my classes getting behind.

This photo was taken at McKee's Farm shop, where I stopped to buy some rolls for lunch on my way back from the physio. It was so good to be out in the air again. You can just see Scrabo Tower in the distance - it stands at the top of Strangford Lough, which you can just glimpse through the dip in the hills.

A good day :)

Update - good luck to the Precious, who is presenting a paper at a WHO Medical Seminar in Geneva tomorrow!! Woo-hoo!

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