
By Jennynlper

Cracked it!

Sort of, maybe ...

Here's a screen shot of a proofreading exercise from the mentoring programme to which I've signed up. Over the weekend, with help from my IT wizard (my son), I wrestled with digital proofreading symbol stamps devised by a generous woman called Louise Harnby who developed them and has made them available free of charge. A pdf programme allows the layering of symbols and comments, hence all the red squiggles all over this conference brochure. For me it is slow and fiddly and exasperating and slightly addictive.

BUT, by chance, today my mentor emailed me and has offered me some paid work. A whole book. Deadline: Friday! Aghhh. Up to page 18 so far, with more queries than solutions. Got to be more decisive and speed up ...

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