
By Norm

So Much Choice...

Popped into Homesense this afternoon, Salisbury's newest home-decor shop. It's a familiar store to me as I remember it well from my years of living in Canada; one of those shops that has a lot of rubbish in it, but can also be a treasure-trove of interesting finds. Just like a homing pigeon, Ted headed straight for the wall of diggers in the toy section and would happily have remained there perusing the stock all afternoon. Thankfully he's still at the stage of accepting the line that 'the toys live here' so he needs to 'wave goodbye to them' when it's time to leave, and he was happily distracted by the prospect of being able to push the button to call the lift.

It was a horrible rainy day so we headed over to a friend's house where Ted got to play with his little chums while we mums drank copious amounts of tea. Much needed.

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