..........Mine, all mine!!!!..........

Up early this morning...........cold, foggy and damp.

Drove up to Red Bridge.....no better there............and to be honest I didn't feel good.....so I sacked the fishing and came back home.

Curled up in the chair and fell asleep....the Boss and the Daughter woke me around 12.00....felt even worse...........and knee swollen up.........the rest of the tribe came round.......they all went for a walk......and left me.

They came back with this princely collection of conkers............the Boss cooked.......I felt worse........not because of the cooking...........we ate..............I had to leave the table.

Phoned D at 8.00 to drop out of Sunday drinks..........in bed by 8.30..........hot......shivery.......nauseous......slept until 1.30...........woke with a hacking cough and sore throat.......and still sweaty and shaky.............a hot toddy and back to bed.

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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