Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

The New Rowing Dock

Quite a beautiful morning with flat water for our row. We are usually the last ones out and in --someone left a water bottle and ONE shoe! Rain is predicted for later today. I’d like to think it will happen. (not yet …and it’s almost 5PM!)

This is the beautiful brand-new but long-in-coming rowing float for our Pocock Rowing Center. Alas, it’s 2 inches too high!! - this makes it very hard to get in and out of the boat, especially for the smaller singles. Supposedly it will be fixed but in talking to the dock builders it will have to be from concrete pavers to weight it down under this nice surface (which has holes to let the light through for the fish - new regulations for docks on the lake - however, under this are the plastic floats and they are solid and can’t be opened to let in water, so the only thing that these holes let through is the goose poop!!??.)_ It’s supposed to be very skid resistant and it looks spiffy. It does make me wonder if this dock company has done other rowing floats….??

Yesterday we attended a brunch to celebrate 30 years of the Pocock foundation - this boathouse building is 20 years old. Named after Geoge Pocock who came from England to build world class shells beginning in the PNW in 1913. You can see one of the former boat building shops across the water to the left (it’s now Dale Chihuly’s glass blowing studio). George’s son Stan is old but a great inspiration in leaving a legacy of a place where everyone has an opportunity to learn this sport and strive for excellence through many different programs.

Every middle school in Seattle has an Erg-Ed program to introduce middle schoolers to the sport of rowing!

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