Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

Happy Birthday

Hubby’s birthday today found us out to dinner at “The Blind Pig” with blipper Mikeday and her hubby whose birthday is very close by. NO real portraits, but this is Mike playing her own cello rendition of “happy birthday” on her iPhone so they can perhaps hear over the din…Yum to the food. Now H and I are just the same age!! :-) (old)

The book for Book Club today was Housekeeping by Marilynne Robinson —her first novel.(1980) Then came Gilead, then Home. The 4th, Lila, is just out so there is lots of press on her… Amazing lyrical prose to tell a story about loss and abandonment and the emotions involved… .. I always enjoy this great group of women friends… all but one were present today.

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