twinned with trumpton


Me and My Girl Night Clubbing

Last full day overseas.

Slow start; a cooked breakfast of sorts before a trip off South Ronaldsay to the metropolis. Failed to get a hair appointment to so pillaged Lidl for foreign cheeses (halloumi and mozzarella) and then set off for Birsay.

Tide was up so we failed to get to the Brough but instead we wandered west to Skiba's Geo and the whale bone. Initially breezy, but eased, we had fabulous views to Papa Westray and Westray - clear as clear, cliffs picked out by the low sun.

We went onto the flat rocks, watched waves and birdlife and mostly silently just - did.

Back to the car and we were leaving but spotted 15 seals all resting up on the rocks, younger ones playing as the waves and sun conspired to give a glorious vista.

Back via the metropolis to answer the burning questions of the day, and in around 4. Booked the ferry, called Maw, and settled into a hot stove and the remnants of the salsa with halloumi followed by chicken / mozzarella / carrot / beetroot etc.

Still chatting, drinking at gone midnight.

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