Sunbeams on Hoy

This morning's wander up the hill with the woofers was a bit earlier than normal. Afterwards, and as the sun was still rising, I took the wifeycle in to her work then did a few bits and bobs whilst I waited for her shift to finish.
Back home and we got some of the mundane house keeping stuff done.
We piled the dogs into the van and squeezed in next to them for the trip across to Stromness to collect the newly fixed car, then collected Evie the wonderdog and headed to the shore. We haven't been to the shore for ages, and it was fantastic to be there. The sea was flat calm and the tide was going out as we wandered along towards Breckness, stopping to collect groatie buckies as the dogs chased each other and splashed around in the sea.
The sunbeams seemed to be ever present over Hoy today, reminding us how lucky we are to live here in this beautiful place. It is a luxury to have a view like this (and a tenuous connection to the October word challenge of Luxury today...)

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