Windsor Half Marathon Day

Day 271 of 365. Today was the day of the Windsor Half Marathon that I was running with work colleagues. Quite a few of us didn't manage to meet up before the race like we hoped to due to a number of reasons - in my case I got lost in traffic somewhere in the very confusing one way system in Reigate. It meant, in the end, that I made the start of the race with about ten minutes to spare!
The race itself mainly went through Windsor Great Park and did feature a number of hills - the worst was at about 8.5 miles and absolutely did me in. I got the worst stitch I've had in years. Not great with still over 4.5 miles to go! It also didn't help that it was a very warm day, 25c at kick off time. Toward the end of the race I saw four runners who had collapsed due to the heat - luckily the volunteers and St.Johns Ambulance were there very quickly and they got quick medical help.
I don't think I've ever been more glad to finish a race. On the way home with my brother we stopped at a pub and had a pint of coke with lots of ice - I've never enjoyed a drink more!

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