
To help Blip celebrate its 10th Birthday on Saturday members have been asked to blip red balloons up until Friday.

With a little help from my friends I managed to find a balloon shop not so locally and thought I just had to get a Heart Balloon!!! Sadly I didn't get home from work till late so was restricted for light and time and I was being watched by Mr W who was tutting in the corner! !! Yes, that's his foot showing! ! I even had to chuck Daughter Number 1 off the sofa to make room for the camera! !

So apologies for poor quality but I was lucky to even get this!!!!

Better luck tomorrow! !

Happy 10th Birthday Blip!!! It's been a pleasure these last nearly 2 years! And I don't plan on giving up either. Sorry Husband!

xXx ♡ xXx

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