Grumpy Babies.

I requested I had an extra pair of hands with a family I work with 3 times a week. My college today couldn't quite believe what she was seeing and wondered how the hell I have managed alone for so long! ! Nice to hear!

Then the flood of moaning came in.

Daughter Number 1 had an exhausting first day in her new placement with the NSPCC. All part of her second year training as a Social Worker.

Daughter Number 2 is away traveling in Thailand. She's had a long difficult journey up a mountain in the dark with bugs. She said she couldn't manage any Facebook pictures for me today but did send me some pictures of her sunburn! She thinks her suncream might have expired. She needed a long distance hug.

And my Baby boy sadly failed his fitness test for the Royal Marines yesterday and is feeling a bit sorry for himself today after drowning his sorrows last night. He does have another 2 attempts at it but feels gutted his fitness wasn't as good as he thought. But he's determined not to give up.

I just want to scoop them all up and give them a cuddle and tell them it will be ok.

xXx ♡ xXx

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