From Cymbeline

By Cymbeline

Christmas comes early to the Hartley Valley

Another unusual October weather event.

Every year for the last three years October has been our month for surprises, some good, others not, all with varying degrees of damage. Two years ago we had the largest snow fall we've seen in the last thirty years. Last year we had the devastating bush fires with homes lost, though thankfully no lives.

Last night, another good snow fall, not as heavy as the one two years ago, but significant nevertheless. Enough to bring large tree branches down all over the place, cause blackouts, highway and rail closures.

This time, the snow fell in Hartley Valley as well as along the ridges, just below the neighbouring town of Mount Victoria. In twenty three years I have never seen this happen, even in winter, much less spring. People who have lived here all their lives have never witnessed this happening, and it is interesting that the snow seemed to fall in a narrow corridor, while the next valley, Kanimbla, just separated by the narrow pass at Mount Victoria, received nothing. This is taken from Bardens Lookout, on the way out to Mount York.

It also appears to be my 1095th blip, representing three years of blips. My my.

A special thank you to those wonderful blippers who continue to call by despite my silences. I can't tell you how much I appreciate this - what wonderfully generous and forgiving people you are! Work has been very busy and there are just not enough hours in the day to do everything that one would like. I do call into your journals as well, but don't often let you know. You're all an inspiration, every one.

Thank you also to my facebook friends who look in as well - so lovely of you to take an interest in my very modest little journal.

And of course, thank you to Blip Central. What champs you all are!

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