
By Nigel

I am the God of Hellfire...

Played too much Dragon Age:Origins today, can you tell? Though I probably should have done something with my hair, had a shave or even just showered before using myself as a model.

Website thingy is getting out of hand but I'm doing mny best to rein in teh client and get some specifics sorted that use language a bit more technical than '..you know the clicky on thingy over there..' so I actually fix the right things and also to make sure that when I undertake 6 hours of work to change something to the latest specs I don't let them then say '...you know what I've had an even better idea now...' without coughing up some readies. On top of which internet went down for ages (I'm thinking it is the torrents of rain but Virgin's advertising that drew me to them in the first place was that the weather doesn't affect their fibre optics like it does ADSL) in conjuction with the cable TV, hence spending more hours than totally neccessary on playing with fire.

Queen - News of the World
The Black Dog - Further Vexations

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