
By Nigel


Not the most inspiring subject but at close to midnight in shocking weather (had to go out twice today, brrrr, not pleasant!) it was a case of pick something on the desk I've been sat at most of the day and these had the most promise.

And now the cat won't stop bugging me, on top of his playing with string and rattling mice he now seems to want someone to go to bed so he can keep warm. Spoilt rotten...

Missed some bits of last night due to incessant neediness of Leo, Made mead this afternoon (well started to, it takes a few weeks) following a recipe I found on good old t'internet. Fairly straightforward, main ingredient 4 x 340g of honey, elected to use 68p basics honey from Sainsbury for my first go. Not only cheaper but guidelines state not too use too much high quality honey as the final taste of the mead can be too strongly flavoured.

Music (to accompany more Dragon Age:Origins):
Darkthrone - A Blaze In The Northern Sky
Saint Vitus - Mournful Cries
Curve - Blacker Three Tracker

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