
By rubyjones

Jetty. Bo Phut.

Sitting in the most laid back/groovy bar/restaurant.
The spirit of wifi is strong. The place is called Karma.
The password is lifeisshort. I kid you not.
Luckily my 10 year old Maharishi pants seem to be holding out
and the cool people haven't thrown me out yet.

Scootering all over the island at the moment as
monsoon season means, fuck! Tropical rainstorms.
But I love seeing all the street markets, and the colours.
Dusty jades and deep caramels. And the sea keeps changing
from that greeny aqua to khaki. But never blue.
Somehow the the colours never really translate from
eye to camera to screen, do they?
And I left my camera card thingie back at the hotel, so I took
this shot with my ipad.
First time! Not bad ipad camera!

Get me, doing things differently and going with the flow.

Maybe that's what a holiday should be all about.

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