
By Marypoppins

Rubbish morning but a little ray of sunshine

Spent the morning at home waiting for my new phone to arrive. Cleaned the bathroom then spent time fiddling around on the computer searching and deleting rubbish that was taking over.
Escaped in the afternoon to shop whilst Mr H house sat waiting for delivery.
This little flower caught my eye as I walked across a dull damp common.
It's single brightness despite being alone in a hostile environment put a smile on my face and then things brightened in my day.
1.I shopped quickly in an empty supermarket.
2.The sun came out as I walked home.
3.My new phone arrived soon after.
4.I found I had saved all my contact details and after an easy process they assembled themselves on my new phone.
5. My PAC number worked and I should be back to normal texting by Thursday.
Life is not so bad after all.

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