This day

By snapper

Duck - hate em!

A bitty sort of day, did bits of work, got a haircut which cost me 30 quid for 15 minutes chopping and no blow dry!!! Not going there again!

Got a panic call from eldest daughter "my wages havnt gone in and I need to pay the deposit for my holiday" so the bank of mum & dad helped out, is that not why god created parents?
In the late afternoon I realised I hadnt done a blip picture so just as I was on my way out I grabbed a bag of rubbish ready to chuck in the bin and my camera in the other hand. Did I no go and throw my beloved Canon 40D in the bloody bin!!!! Well those who know me know I am somewhat vertically challenged so I had to tip the pesky bin and fish my now very dusty camera out the bin!
Panic, will it work? well after a quick brush down it worked just fine.

I took this picture of ducks that were in the window of a lovely shop called the Square Peg.
They are getting very popular and I wonder what my granny would have thought of people going out and buying wooden ducks! Hebrideans were very practical in days gone by.

I remember a bunch of us were visiting an old lady on the island who was well known for her cup reading skills and all things spooky. This dark night we were trapsing along her path to the road and all showing bravado after a session of spooky tales etc. All of a sudden two ducks flew up in the air and I almost jumped high enough to quailify for the Olympics! When my feet reached the ground I slid down her embankment and landed on this hairy knobbly thing by which time I was about to have a coronary.

I had landed on one of her neighbours black Aberdeen Angus cows which had bedded itself down among the cosy rushes!
Well the cow got as big a shock as I did and rose up all of a sudden (back end first) chucking me into the ditch beside her

Everyone else was creully laughing their heades off, no concern as to my sodden state and being too young to have cars I had to walk the two miles home to my grannies house. Did I get any sympathy from the grannie? Did I heck. She made me wash my stuff the next day and as she had no washing machine, I had to use her washing board.

So now you know why I don,t much like ducks wooden or otherwise

Have a good weekending all

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