
By RogMull

What we did on our holiday, the film

Just back from the cinema, where tonight we saw "What we did on our holiday". I hadn't been thinking of going to the cinema, but Kirstine thought it was a good idea, and indeed it was.

Besides the cost..£3.25 for a packet of fruit pastilles would you believe…it was a great night's entertainment; funny and touching. Indeed, I think it had the best written and funniest script for the three kids in the film that I can remember.

Two of the stars, Billy Connolly and Annette Crosby, stayed in a hotel in Scotland while filming, that friends of ours stayed in at the same time. They had some fine chat, and it was only on going to the film that I realised this was the result of their endeavours.

In truth Billy and Annette had much less time on screen than others, with for me the children being the greatest stars.

If you get the chance, go and see it.

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