Emerging & Monsters on the Beach...

....today I had a longer outing than I have had in days. It felt like the first time I could be out of the house. I don't know what happens but it seems that every year there is a period of time (usually around my birthday month) when I just need to stay home and feel fragile. I used to call it my Duna Meditation....because for days I would hardly get out of bed.
Not so bad this year....pretty hard to be delicate with a 3 year old around...any type of preciousness flies out the window...and that is not such a bad thing really.....perhaps already it is over.

The beach was lovely and the kids and dogs and everyone really felt so happy to be there.....what is it about the sand and sea that brings a big smile to the dial...Oh and I nearly forgot....a very big whale was breaching out the back.

I look at these little monster faces and I think how lucky they are to grow up in such a place....and as I look through the pics I also see how lucky they are to have each other...how happy they are ( and very naughty) when they get together....and then in the cycle of things ...how lucky I am to have such happy chappies to run after to take pics of.

“Now I am quietly waiting for the catastrophe of my personality to seem beautiful again, and interesting, and modern.”
― Frank O'Hara, Meditations in an Emergency

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