
Today our school won its first ever Netball trophy! We beat all the big International Schools in the area to take away the cup! Although the tournament was hosted by us it was held at the International School of Geneva who have larger facilities.

I was supposed to be taking part in the event as score collector but due to a large tree, with large roots which had split the concrete in the parking area I spent the afternoon waiting for the Swiss equivalent of the AA to come and change my wheel!

I then had a rather scary drive, with a space saver wheel, across Geneva to the tyre garage where a rather nice man (whose first name was Fortune!) with no English helped me spend 400CHF on 2 new tyres! It was one of the occasions when I really missed having Philip with me for moral support, to laugh about it all and to help with car technical vocabulary in French!

Also, Uber launched in Geneva today - I wonder if it will bring down the cost of taxis....?

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