
By MamaOfBoys


I loved tonight's sunset- another beautiful warm but slightly muggy day brought the sun out late this afternoon and it shone over the trees especially this lovely tall one that I love to look at all year round.

The warm wind gently blew the leaves that glistened in the late sun. Was a beautiful early evening sight.

I was tired today actually exhausted- nearly asleep on my feet when andre walked in after work, i was ready to drop luckily he knows me enough that he could see it without me having to say it.

I love that he was able to take over and let me have a sleep. He cooked dinner, fed the boys and showered them while I slept. I woke feeling rested and had dinner and clean babies waiting for me.

My iron levels are quite low at the moment and today it was really kicking me. I have supplements that don't agree with me but I'll take them nonetheless. I'm tired of being tired.

Kanye had seizures last night-all night. We only started reducing his meds last night but was also 4 weeks to the day since his last lot of seizures so it's really hard to pick. Would he have had his seizures if I had kept his meds the same? I think he probably would have, he seemed very tired yesterday.

I loved this morning when I took mar to school, he told me he wanted to angrily park his scooter in the rack so he ran off. Moments later he came back with tears streaming, I asked him what was wrong thinking maybe he got told off or hurt himself, he replied in between sobs 'i parked my scooter normally'

Oh!!! I burst into laughter. He had forgotten about his parking his scooter angrily and was upset! I told him he was funny but that made him more upset as i guess he felt I wasn't taking this situation seriously he yelled ' I'm not funny I'm sad'

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