Bus Challenge No 34!

The weather was dry this morning, so after yet another visit to the doctor this week, for blood tests this time and where I was told I had "tiny, tiny veins" (?!?), I took the bus into Bath and met up with my friend J.

J's plan was to show me bits of Bath that I've never seen before, and she had a plan for our walk with a pub at the half-way point for lunch. Good plan I thought! But what she didn't tell me was that to get to the pub we had a two mile walk with a steady uphill climb up some of the many hills of Bath. Nevertheless, it was a great walk with stunning views, and it was so good to get out and enjoy a warm (18c!) Autumn day.

I discovered all sorts of hidden corners and glorious examples of Georgian architecture that I'd never come across, including this grade 1 listed crescent, Lansdown Crescent, designed by John Palmer and constructed between 1789 and 1793. The crescent comprises 20 houses, each originally having four floors together with servants' quarters in the basement. And to this day, sheep still graze the field in front of the crescent, in the middle of Bath!

I have no idea why I'd never walked this part of Bath before! Four miles later, I was shattered and my knees certainly were aching, but I'd had a healthy dose of fresh air, and a good old natter!!

Total bus journey time = 50 mins

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