Precious memories

This is a very tiny locket that belonged to my Nanny Peacock. It's about the size of your little finger nail. It is painted in lovely jewel colours and has a extremely tiny baby Moses inside. I'm not sure where my Nanny got it from but it was one of the things that I loved to see when ever we went to visit and I was thrilled when she gave it to me for a present.

I thought I would look up some info on Moses. I came across this version of a song that I sang at school Go down moses

I also found an article about an old man called Moses who used to sit by the road between Paignton and Torquay and wave to passers by. He had a stroke last year and has nt been able to go out this year but with 2,500 followers on Facebook asking how he was he has written a lovely poem :

' They said I was the 'waveman', a wizard or a geek,
'I simply waved back to you, when you gave your car gave me a beep,
'The love I felt around me, on those'golden Days' of sun,
'Comforts me most moments, now my life is almost done!
'Never forget just be kind to all you meet,
'It's the greatest way to live,
'None of us knows how long we've got,
'Remember just to GIVE! '

He also asks people to take a look at the Stroke Association website. A great idea as it's always important to remind ourselves of the signs of a stroke. Remember F.A.S.T -
Face -ask the person to smile, does one side droop?
Arm- Ask the person to raise both arms, Does one arm drift downwards?
Speech- ask the person to repeat a simple phrase, does their speech sound slurred or strange?
Time- If you see any of these signs it's time to dial 999.

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