Life Inspired

By inspiredesigns

Mr. Singh

So this is my amazing husband. We'll call him Mr. Singh.

He's not only my husband but the best papa in the world.

He has the biggest job in the house. He stays home with our two boys. He cares for them and for me completely. He cooks, cleans, vaccums, shops for groceries, does preschool, speaks in Hindi all day and much more.

In the evenings he works part-time for an airline so that we can travel. So we trade places as soon as I get home in the evenings.

Tonight though, he was lazily hanging out on the couch watching the Legend of the Seeker. He has this night off from work, so he finally gets to relax.

I got my new lens (50mm f/1.8) today from Amazon and started playing with it right away. I'm amazed how incredibly different it is from my 18-55mm standard. Very cool.

I focused on two important elements: his wedding ring and kara. Both items signify his commitment to family, tradition and culture.

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