Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Full day of friends, tea and good times

The morning began with brunch at Joseph Pearce with lots of good friends. We drank epic amounts of tea between us and had some very tasty food. This photo was taken moments before they both broke down in fits of laughter.

After brunch a few of us headed off for a short stroll through the shops on our way to Eteaket (a fantastic little tea room) where afternoon tea was had. I had to settle for a sandwich and some dutch apple cake as most of the afternoon tea was off the menu for me but boy was I jealous.

Bypassed S's flat on our way to the Beltane Open Meeting. S and I had our proposal accepted and are now leading the White Warrior group for Beltane. They used to be the White Warrior Women but we've dropped the 80's stereotypes to bring the character up to date with modern times (and to do away with the flowery skirts and tarty lipstick that used to be part of the costume). As such though, we had to stand up in front of hundreds of hippies and tell them why they want to join our group more than any others. It seemed to work as we had nearly 50 people sign up for 16 places.

After that we headed on to The Regent for a much needed pint and a good catch up with friends that we hadn't seen for far too long!

I was exhausted by the end of it but totally buzzing!

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