What is your name?

The answer Munchie gave to the shoe shop lady was

Monkey Malpass

Daddy left early, Munchie appeared in our room about six but was happy to cuddle in bed for some considerable time.

Popped to the beautiful shoe shop and got Munchie a pair of winter shoes. They are gorgeous, also popped to Wilkos and managed to leave without buying anything that wasn't on my list- and only spent £10! result.

Home, played then headed to softplay to meet the swimming mummies. A good time was had by all, but was pretty obvious that Munchie was flagging as her cardi sleeve got more and more damp (when she is tired she chews it) by the time I had gone less than a mile home she was fast asleep. Drove the long way home just to make sure she and Wom were both fast asleep. Into the house, Munchie onto sofa in the cosy snuggle I had made before we left, wom on my lap and there we stayed for an hour.

Daddy home. Lots do cuddles
Bedtime completed
Tea cooked and so to bed

Munchie climbing on the climbing wall, she got higher than this on several occasions but those photos were rubbish
Fast asleep in the car
Fast asleep on the sofa
Being a cheeky monkey and taking the potty into the living room so she could watch Sarah and Duck and do a wee at the same time!

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