Izzy whizzy

Turn my sister into a .......

Daddy got home at 11:58pm. The M6 was, in his words, absolutely horrendous, down to 50mph for all the road works and then lower still because of the weather.
Munchie was so so so excited to see him this morning. look mummy, daddy here, Wommie, your daddy is back x

Swimming completed. Both were superstars

Both then had sleeps. Woms was much shorter than munchies but still a sleep in his cot.

Lunch completed

Play date for Munchie with her baby friend (izzy was meant to be first in the baby group to arrive, Munchie leap frogged her and two others) great to watch the girls play nicely together

Gym tots completed. Munchie loved it. She was brought down about halfway through the lesson as she needed a wee, but happily trotted back up on her own. (Big sigh of relief from me) We had got a tea date at Ask planned, but sadly our date was poorly so this was canceled. Home to spaghetti, followed by mini milk, followed by rice cakes, followed by banana and then an apple!

Daddy staying home tonight and just going to drive up in the morning which is rather lovely.

I'm dedicating today's blip to someone I used to work with. A fab person who always put the children and their needs before anything else, turns out she reads my blip every night. This ones for you A xx

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