Get me out!

Today was the 25 the anniversary of the first church ramble. They have been organised and led on a monthly basis for all that time by Derek, an ex geography teacher. This was the first one we've been on for some time as I was so uncertain of my ability to walk that far but now I'm feeling much fitter and I think we did about 6 miles around the Worcestershire countryside including fields, lanes, canal tow paths, muddy bits and 16 stiles!

In one field we found this poor sheep which was inextricably entangled in some brambles. Derek led the bid to set her free and fortunately one of the group had a tiny penknife on her keyring and this was used to extricate the sheep. We were u noble to get the brambles out of the sheep's coat but she ran off compete with brambles and started tucking into the grass as if she hadn't eaten for days.

After that, we reached the road back to the pub where we had started. Great I thought! Hah! There was a little tiny house opposite at the foot of an enormous hill. We couldn't even see that there was a path but Derek found it and we had to squeeze between a wall and a hawthorn hedge before finding some steps up and up and up and up.

THEN we got to the path and there was no sign of a path anywhere so we set off through the waist high brambles and nettles in the woods...

We eventually found another field and Trusty Derek led us back to the pub.

A lovely day although I'm not sure that John who was in shorts will be feeling quite so comfy judging by the state of his legs after the bramble walk!

Big sheep with brambles

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