Entering England
Aberdeen is a loooooonnnngg drive from Bristol. And if you have a bit of a dodgy moment regarding a diesel overflow as you are just about to set off it takes even longer. 10 hour drive for Dave who kindly took the wheel throughout, which I'm secretly very glad about. My multiple anxiety disorder OCD approach to everyday life does, however, mean I can't sit still for 10 hours so I did the best I could to achieve something.... I pleated my whole head of rather large hair to keep busy. Pointless but diversionary. Kids coped not too bad. Dave did remark he felt his powers weaken as he got closer to Mordor. But Westminster is miles away so it's fine. I should have packed those elf biscuits.
I feel I could write a secret shopper report for every Costa coffee in every Service Station on this island after today....and don't get me started on the bogatories. But he assures me Bristol is a great place and the countryside area is lovely. But the main attraction is tomorrow, meeting up with Jo, Conn and our brand new, shiny and beautiful niece, Akira.
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