From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

I'm an old hag!

One foot on a banana skin and the other one in the grave....

I'll try to make this one short as time is rattling on again and I'm trying to watch Homeland at the same time. Where do the hours go?

I can't believe the huge number of starlings I saw today. They covered the feeder like a swarm of locusts arguing at the tops of their voices and then bouncing off the kitchen window as they tried to complain at me!

This picture was taken in a rare quiet moment when Eric could eat his lunch in peace. The little subdued fellow at the side of him spent most of the previous couple of hours yelling.

Go large!

To finish my birthday weekend, I went to a different place for Sunday dinner today - The Plough at Shustoke. It has a big aviary at the back of the building full of budgies and other little birds. There are big cages with rabbits and guinea pigs at the side! I spent ages watching and it was starting to go dark when I went inside.

As I haven't got a huge appetite being a skinny bint who snacks all day long, I used to have things from the children's menu at the Dog and Doublet. They didn't do children's roast dinner here but to go with my new ancient age of 44, I had the OAP roast lamb dinner. This was a smaller portion especially for pensioners. Sigh!

All I need now is a zimmer frame and a glass for my dentures. I unscrew my wooden leg and put my wig on Bony when I go home these days. My night clubbing days are well and truly over. Dearie me!

Track? One from Tinsley Ellis tonight - Me Without You

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