what we did today...

By SarnieV

All work and no play...

means I've had no chance to do my blip on a Sunday :-0 ...deadlines have meant I've not stopped all day. A n the boys went to ikea for a wander and lunch while I painted, painted and painted. I got an online submission in with one minute to go to the deadline and the paint still drying on the canvas. I had completely forgotten that my paintings photographer is heading off on a training course this week, the boys are still off school for some inset days, and that I needed my paintings finished and photographed this week. So poor A spent his Sunday evening faffing around with light meters and lighting to photograph my work. We're nearly there with images for the Edinburgh Art Fair, phew!

So today's blip is of a cute wee herdwick from last week. I was playing with my new camera and its zoom, I'm impressed at how close you can get and still get enough light. I'm looking forward to using it for photographing birds for my paintings soon.

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