Nearly 62 and Still Kicken...........

Every year on my birthday I like to do a family portrait.........Just to check the wrinkles development.

Tomorrow I turn 62 and somewhere ...(like most of us)... I feel as if I am still in my 20's....and get a most terrible shock when I look in the mirror...something just does not add up ...there is something very wrong ...I suspect there is a wicked fairy that lives in the mirror who likes to play nasty tricks.

Ahhh well no matter...Im still here although still stressed out from organizing this family and dogs you know....(Rumi was a very good boy though...I will leave the rest to your imagination...his name begins with F). I did get a pre Birthday cake though made with sloppy play doh and an old pencil for a was delicious.

“Moonlight floods the whole sky from horizon to horizon;
How much it can fill your room depends on its windows.”
― Rumi (not the dog)

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