Clannad at The Union Chapel

What a day and one that I'm not keen to experience again in a hurry. I'm supposed to be retired from work but for various reasons things to do with work conspired to prove very difficult towards the end of the day when some deadlines were looming and things were just not going right.

On top of all of that, we were going to see Clannad at the Union Chapel in the evening, leaving here at around 4.30 when there were still too many unfinished items of business hanging in the air. By good fortune and the dedication of a colleague a vital piece of information came in just before the concert started which enabled me to relax and enjoy the event. And it was an excellent event too. Clannad have an enthralling mix of moody emphemeral and atmospheric music coupled with some jaunty, jolly jigs and rocky tunes. A very accomplished multi-talented family of brothers, sister and uncles. Paul played 4 instruments and sang, often swapping them within a song. And Moya's voice is sublime. This was the second time we have seen them this year, the previous time was Eastbourne in March

After the concert it was back to thinking about the tasks still at hand but, talking it over with Susan we decided that after midnight on a Sundaywas not the time to be starting to work, so I agreed to get up when she did to go to work and start then. I'll keep you posted. But never, never again. As bad as any day when I was at work. Still I suppose it serves to remind you what you're missing!

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