Breakfast buddies

Squidge and I are love our morning routine. We're proper little breakfast buddies. We whisper so as not to wake Daddy up and creep downstairs with a change of clothes. Then it's cereal with chopped banana and milk for her and strong coffee for me.
Followed by playing with toys and a bit of kids telly if it's a nursery day (otherwise telly is saved for later - when needed!)

Today was a random half nursery day as my work was stacking up. I felt bad leaving her but better knowing it was only for a few hours. I tore off to Media City and beasted through it all. Friday's proposal for a Trafford Park web and printing firm was fired off, everything crossed for that one! Would be nice to get something local.

Angus is on the mend and is signed off for another week - so dare I say it, is actually starting to relax a bit now! Films, books and even a little bit of work on his laptop. Nothing too strenuous! It makes me sad though as it's so lovely having him around again but I know it will all change when he goes back again in a week :(

Picked Squidge up after lunch and decided spontaneously to head in the car together to Stamford Park in Altrincham. There's a great outdoor adventure playground bit that Squidge has always been a bit little old for but she loved it today. We visited the ducks and killed an hour "hunting for The Gruffalo" in the woods.

Having a child really makes you stop and notice nature again. I spent 10 minutes with her watching a squirrel devour a conker earlier. When in my old life would I have even been in a park to see that? Nevermind spent the time watching it.

We've also been noticing the leaves fall and change colour over the past few weeks. Squidge is really picking up on things like that now. And one good thing about the clocks going forward soon is the reappearance of the moon at bedtime. Am actually excited to share that with her peaking over the rooftops.

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